Preskoči na glavno vsebino

club caffe cbd

Welcome cannabis to you is a discussion of the creation of a new society with its umbrella mission of gentrification of cannabis plants, research activities on the impact of cannabinoids on the quality of life, and provide its members with all the necessary knowledge, information, workshops regarding one of the most important plants for man, cannabis. Club Caffe CBD has its headquarters in Ljubljana and operates in a mondial way. The founding members of the Society are part of an integrated modern society that wants to replace with the plant of cannabis all the exhausted sources of energy available to man as fuel, food, protection and medicine in one. We attend all important conferences, fairs of both business and scientific nature, clustering with partner organizations, and in the future we plan to organize international symposia in Slovenia. We are preparing  cannabis the prospect of a quality future, we are actively as  healthy in the core of knowledge, experience, use in practice and credibility, when our sector is also completely legally regulated.

Club Caffe CBD (hereinafter referred to as CCCBD) has three partner areas within which we cover modern solutions that can be fully taken over by cannabis at this moment. Cannabis can be sanitized to the present systemic ineffective possibilities, reconstructed into a stable sustainable development plan. Within the Society's activities, three sectors are divided into business, practical and scientific, but they are interconnected organically and meaningfully disaggregated when the functioning of our CCCBD Society.

 The Club Caffe CBD Society is creating Cannabis Gentrification Society,  cannabis growth platform , the collective center of scientific and anacdotal Information in the Field of Medical Cannabis, as well as the crossing points of interna- tional organizations, the objectives achieved and the plans for a green sustainable future, stated its general principles and the overall concept of a society within the statute:

Statute of club Club Caffe CBD

general provisions

The name of the club is Club Caffe CBD

The seat of the company is the business address in  Ljubljana, Slovenia

The company can have branches in both Slovenia and abroad

Club Caffe CBD's goal is gentrification, recognition and application of the versatility of cannabis plant, Club Caffe CBD is a collective center of scientific and anacdotal knowledge in versatile use cannabis, and the use of plants to improve the quality of life, combining diverse members of society and creating a cannabis-friendly social environment.

Club Caffe Cbd actively cooperates with other organizations and societies with similar activities worldwide.

The company has its own round shape logo, a stylized sheet of hemp and a CLUB CAFFE CBD with a diameter of 3 cm.

Purpose, social functioning and goals

Club Caffe Cbd is intended to bring together actively engaged people with the need for a deeper understanding of cannabis, by providing only these contemporary real-life information, education in a more quality lifestyle, such as lobbying for cannabis, wherever it can sustainably support problematic sectors; financial, marketing, social, environmental and health. The purpose of the Society is to inspire, locate and support local projects that are sustainable in nature and include cannabis.

The activity of the society is to keep members informed about all the possibilities that cannabis as a modern plant allows us, construction, food, energy, horticulture, textiles and health, linking members to educational meetings and workshops, and destigmatizing the social group of cannabis users. Club caffe Cbd's activity is also to provide members with a safe, friendly environment where we recognize cannabis, standardize it according to use, define quality, support our members for personal use of cannabis for medical purposes.

The goals of the Society are to successfully gentrificate the cannabis plant in the widest range of practical uses within our local environment, to enable its members access to information and care from the first hand from countries where cannabis is already part of the practice, especially in health care.

The Club Caffe CBD aims to establish an integrated training unit that will enable us to access information infrastructure in order to integrate cannabis more effectively into a sustainable future and self-sustainment.

The CCCBD Society integrates a modern information approach and organically grows with the support of the general public in a demanding and highly complex topic of cannabis. We are aware of the importance of exclusivity of virtual content, therefore we plan to virtual document all activities of the society. These are real quality, creatively processed and publicly accessible.

 The Society encourages its members to research, education and own creative work, as community volunteer projects, and to ensure that the conceptual content of the content can be realized according to the Statute.

For its activity, the Company acquires funds through membership fees, donations, disclosure activities, and other ways.


Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

terapija s kanabinoidi

Predstavlja se vam terapija s kanabinoidi. Trend, kako lahko sodobni človek uporablja kanabis, in si zagotovil pravo razmerje njenih kanabinoidov brez psihotvornega efekta. Kanabinoidi prihajajo iz preproste rastline kanabis, ene starejših aromatičnih zeli našega planeta, ki je žal že dolgo narobe razumljena, ter nasilno umaknjena iz našega naravnega okolja, ter posledično prehrane nivoju mikronutrienta, kot se uporabljajo npr. lovor ali žajbelj. Stanje zdravja sodobnega človeka, ter rapidno staranje in le tem povezane bolezni, pa nam namigujejo na oslabljeno delovanje endogenega kanabinoidnega sistema, saj kjer ljudje   vsaj na nivoju mikrodoziranja kanabinoide je   klinično potrjena restavracija homeostaze ter boljše počutje in učinkovitejše delovanje telesa.   Že dvajset let se klinično opazuje delovanje našega endogenega sistema, ki krovno regulira stanje homeostaze znotraj našega telesa. Naš sistem si endogeno proizvaja dovolj lastnih endokanabinoidov le skozi dobo o

in the fetish world, bad girls are queens.

CANNALUBE ALL FOR YOU WHEN YOU NEED IT cannalube ,  is the story of the most intense lubricant. kingdom of plants with cannabis, holds a scent for women, capable of supporting our intimate sensations. I discovered it by accident, through deeper friendship with the largest icon of plants Cannabis. Cannabis, as a plant friendly to our  health, has an immature social label, and we rarely can admire its linkage between enriching erotic behavior.  The phenomenon of cannabinoids from the complete extract of cannabis plants fused to noble serum coconut fat, grape seed oil, cocoa dew, and the essence of jasmine. All ingredients of organic and fair origin, the most valuable  offers of planet:  CANNALUBE. ORGAZM IS THE MAIN AWARD OF CONTEMPORARY WOMEN, INDEPENDENTLY OR IN A GOOD COMPANY . Experiencing total physical relaxation at the level of each cell and mind is a phenomenal approach, maintaining the satisfaction of the body, expressive smile and divine vital sexuality.

Terapia con cannabinoidi

Sei trattato con cannabinoidi.  Trend, come può un uomo moderno usare la cannabis e assicurare il giusto rapporto tra i suoi cannabinoidi senza l'effetto psicotico.  Cannabinoidi provengono dal semplice cannabis, uno dei più antichi erbe aromatiche del nostro pianeta, che purtroppo è stato a lungo fraintesi e forzatamente rimosso dal nostro ambiente naturale, e quindi alimentare livello di micronutrienti, quali sono usati per esempio.  alloro o saggio.  Lo stato di salute dell'uomo moderno, e un rapido invecchiamento e malattie correlate, ma alludono al malfunzionamento del sistema cannabinoide endogeno, perché dove la gente     , almeno a livello di cannabinoidi microdosaggio è     clinicamente validati ristorante omeostasi e sentirsi meglio e più efficiente funzionamento del corpo.   Già venti anni di clinica osservare come il nostro sistema endogeno, che regola l'omeostasi ombrello nel corpo.  Il nostro sistema produce endogenamente una quantità sufficiente di pr