Preskoči na glavno vsebino

Cannabis from a food perspective, light reading

Cannabis saves the world. Big time. for human body dietetic finds a solution cannabis. 
Our ancestors certainly ate up to 30g of green leaves while they walked and picked up and searched for food. Today, a little among us is blessed with a bowl of fresh green lettuce three times a week. But not all green nutrients are equivalent, some are extremely nutritious, others are less, and the queen is the moment cannabis.

When a dietitian looks at the cannabis plant,  sees vegetable full of nutritional values ​​of complex abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and unique cannabinoids.
young flower plants of female cannabis, delicious and important vegetable!

Cannabis as a raw plant is a simple vegetable but offers a perfect protein meal, 
100% vegan, gluten-free, is digestible and overflows with essential fatty acids in perfect combinations for absorption (most seeds=make your self cheese). 
When we want to fully and professionally take our health in our hands, we quickly recognize the diversity and effectiveness of cannabis, healing the body and mind. Cannabis gets aura of great healer, as it is at the same time the most nutritious plant we know.

The benefits of fresh cannabis in the diet

The purely nutritious profile of the cannabis plant has not yet been officially announced or even determined in its entirety, but it is quite clear that the plant has all the essential components of the plant, and the only one among plants creates valuable cannabinoids; hemp is completely safe for use:
fresh juice of cannabis plant 
nutrition information for 100ml 
energy 126 KJ / 25Kcal 
fat 0,5g 
saturated 0,1g 
mono unsaturated to 0,1g 
polymeric 0,4g 
carbohydrates 2,6g 
sugars 1,1g 
fiber 1g 
proteins 1.5g
salts 0,11g 
vitamins and minerals 
vitamin B3 13,5mg 
vitamin B6 0,31mg      
vitamin C 2mg 
vitamin E 9mg 
iron 4mg 
potassium 210mg 
140mg zinc 1,5mg 
chlorophyll 0,7mg 
beta carotene 
lutein zeaxatin 
essential fatty acids 
omega 3 fatty acids 98mg 
omega 6 fatty acids 230mg 
cannabinoids vary in proportion to cannabis cultivars, spatial and environmental impacts and soil nutrition etc ... 
plus at least 250 other minor cannabinoids

- in cannabis we have completely balanced values ​​of both vitamins and minerals (the plant is nutritionally integrated and easy to absorb) plus cannabinoids: at the biological level of our lives cannabinoids play a key role in maintaining the state of homeostasis, balance and harmony - the 
ratio between omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids Acids are 2,3: 1 
- the daily intake of 30ml of fresh juice is estimated to be quite sufficient for the healthy body to get all the elements that fresh hemp offers for absorption 
. At all levels, we begin to fully support our ECS, its task is to keep in harmony within the operation of all complex systems 
- buckwheat juice does not offer hallucinogenic experience, but instant initiates detox and cleansing, which greatly energizes us, focuses and makes the feeling of lightness
- Hemp juice is a very suitable way for the body to be well fed with antioxidants, a high content of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, sugars (young plants, germs) and cannabinoids, in this way the body is well hydrated and stored cellulite, which facilitates toxin excretion, cell repair , the rejuvenation of organs consequently returns the body to a healthy balance. Loss of excess body weight is often an additional reward for regular hepatic cure, partly because with liming we are disguising caloric meals, large quantities of juice also satisfy our appetite, provides us with all the necessary nutrients, and partly because fresh hemp juice through the kidneys and liver eliminates toxins. Thus, the body quickly cleanses and works more efficiently. It is also a good side of regular loneliness to strengthen us when choosing better food, since we are finally cell-fed, the body recognizes plant cannabinoids. Cannabinoids support our metabolism, so that when the receptors work, they burn additional calories and fat.

- when we can enjoy cannabis fresh, let it always be organic, without animal manure (this type of fertilizer on the plant often leaves traces of pathogens that we do not want to enjoy), carefully selected and washed
Green Rozina, medical cannabis student, author

I highly recommend reading: 


Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

terapija s kanabinoidi

Predstavlja se vam terapija s kanabinoidi. Trend, kako lahko sodobni človek uporablja kanabis, in si zagotovil pravo razmerje njenih kanabinoidov brez psihotvornega efekta. Kanabinoidi prihajajo iz preproste rastline kanabis, ene starejših aromatičnih zeli našega planeta, ki je žal že dolgo narobe razumljena, ter nasilno umaknjena iz našega naravnega okolja, ter posledično prehrane nivoju mikronutrienta, kot se uporabljajo npr. lovor ali žajbelj. Stanje zdravja sodobnega človeka, ter rapidno staranje in le tem povezane bolezni, pa nam namigujejo na oslabljeno delovanje endogenega kanabinoidnega sistema, saj kjer ljudje   vsaj na nivoju mikrodoziranja kanabinoide je   klinično potrjena restavracija homeostaze ter boljše počutje in učinkovitejše delovanje telesa.   Že dvajset let se klinično opazuje delovanje našega endogenega sistema, ki krovno regulira stanje homeostaze znotraj našega telesa. Naš sistem si endogeno proizvaja dovolj lastnih endokanabinoidov le skozi dobo o

in the fetish world, bad girls are queens.

CANNALUBE ALL FOR YOU WHEN YOU NEED IT cannalube ,  is the story of the most intense lubricant. kingdom of plants with cannabis, holds a scent for women, capable of supporting our intimate sensations. I discovered it by accident, through deeper friendship with the largest icon of plants Cannabis. Cannabis, as a plant friendly to our  health, has an immature social label, and we rarely can admire its linkage between enriching erotic behavior.  The phenomenon of cannabinoids from the complete extract of cannabis plants fused to noble serum coconut fat, grape seed oil, cocoa dew, and the essence of jasmine. All ingredients of organic and fair origin, the most valuable  offers of planet:  CANNALUBE. ORGAZM IS THE MAIN AWARD OF CONTEMPORARY WOMEN, INDEPENDENTLY OR IN A GOOD COMPANY . Experiencing total physical relaxation at the level of each cell and mind is a phenomenal approach, maintaining the satisfaction of the body, expressive smile and divine vital sexuality.

Terapia con cannabinoidi

Sei trattato con cannabinoidi.  Trend, come può un uomo moderno usare la cannabis e assicurare il giusto rapporto tra i suoi cannabinoidi senza l'effetto psicotico.  Cannabinoidi provengono dal semplice cannabis, uno dei più antichi erbe aromatiche del nostro pianeta, che purtroppo è stato a lungo fraintesi e forzatamente rimosso dal nostro ambiente naturale, e quindi alimentare livello di micronutrienti, quali sono usati per esempio.  alloro o saggio.  Lo stato di salute dell'uomo moderno, e un rapido invecchiamento e malattie correlate, ma alludono al malfunzionamento del sistema cannabinoide endogeno, perché dove la gente     , almeno a livello di cannabinoidi microdosaggio è     clinicamente validati ristorante omeostasi e sentirsi meglio e più efficiente funzionamento del corpo.   Già venti anni di clinica osservare come il nostro sistema endogeno, che regola l'omeostasi ombrello nel corpo.  Il nostro sistema produce endogenamente una quantità sufficiente di pr