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cannabis lube, cannabis to enhance our sexual sensitivity overall

Cannabis lube, canabis products designed to bring you pleasure
 Yes, everything that cannabis can be it can be used as afrodisiac as well… they study this subject hard…they should, there were clinical trials done and companies got support to bring to life products as CANNABIS LUBE.
So how we measure sexual pleasure, how we can enhance our sensitivity via stimulating endocanabinoid system… plus do not forget…plant Cannabis has best placebo imaginable..its our collective knowledge Cannabis is Panacea..
now it s on us to explore how serious our intimacy can be experienced supported with cannabinoid activity.that is behaving as best natural lubricant option as well!! These gentle organic compounds are integrated  in oil spray that will soon become best friend of classic erotics.
When i started to work on lube project i was looking for pleasure and relaxation but still in safe mode, special for sensitive people. Cannabis lube does not provide you with head high..most you will experience is body high manifested through orgasm you could only imagine… Cannabis lube is capable  of uplifting our libido and promotes intense female orgasms many times so hard to achieve.
When you stimulate your cb1 receptors inside vagina and anus its natural magic that was designed for us in order how endocanabinoid sister plugs into our sensors experience.. Sure Endocannabinoid system regulates everything from conception till death.. so it regulates our orgasms as well..and the intensity of orgasm… which is amazing.
 Cannabis lubricant will not provide us with effects as smoking or eating  edibles can., it is applied locally  we experience pleasure on specific sensitive part of our body, which can be extended through whole body experience.
When you apply Cannabis concentrate of highest quality and choose profile of plant active phytocompounds as I did in CannaLube,   you will end up with best orgasm support ever.. still some extra personal stimulation will be needed.
When you finally manage to enhance your senses with cannabis lubricant its creating pleasure your next thing to do which can be experienced even if you don’t use lubricant.
When applying cannabis lube the intimate sensation will appear within 20 minutes, if you choose spray. Cannabis concentrate is enriched with organic oil mixture from grape seed oil and coconut oil, cold pressed and treated. And yes there is drop of organic Jasmine essenctial oil added.. So yes there are possible medical benefits simply by using cannabis lubricant ;)
this is genius product for all in urge to use cannabis in its best and it has no psychoactive effects.
And yes there are as well cannabis sex balls or cannabis intimate suppositories. small balls created  from high quality cannabis concentrate, combined with cacao and coconut butter and half drop of organic, cold press and fair trade.. im natural vegan  sometimes so hard to handle in that regards ;)
so we use these suppositories or balls in order to enhance our senzoric activity in our vagina and anus, inside of our body cannabinoids start to activate maximal senzoric for mind blasting orgasm.. share some at lest manual stimulation needed if your on you’re own …
and do not forget no condoms can be used when playing with oil lubes… at least latex condoms do not work…

50ml bottle (4 to6 sprays per one session)
3 cannabis sex balls vaginal
cannabis sex balls anal


Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

terapija s kanabinoidi

Predstavlja se vam terapija s kanabinoidi. Trend, kako lahko sodobni človek uporablja kanabis, in si zagotovil pravo razmerje njenih kanabinoidov brez psihotvornega efekta. Kanabinoidi prihajajo iz preproste rastline kanabis, ene starejših aromatičnih zeli našega planeta, ki je žal že dolgo narobe razumljena, ter nasilno umaknjena iz našega naravnega okolja, ter posledično prehrane nivoju mikronutrienta, kot se uporabljajo npr. lovor ali žajbelj. Stanje zdravja sodobnega človeka, ter rapidno staranje in le tem povezane bolezni, pa nam namigujejo na oslabljeno delovanje endogenega kanabinoidnega sistema, saj kjer ljudje   vsaj na nivoju mikrodoziranja kanabinoide je   klinično potrjena restavracija homeostaze ter boljše počutje in učinkovitejše delovanje telesa.   Že dvajset let se klinično opazuje delovanje našega endogenega sistema, ki krovno regulira stanje homeostaze znotraj našega telesa. Naš sistem si endogeno proizvaja dovolj lastnih endokanabinoidov le skozi dobo o

in the fetish world, bad girls are queens.

CANNALUBE ALL FOR YOU WHEN YOU NEED IT cannalube ,  is the story of the most intense lubricant. kingdom of plants with cannabis, holds a scent for women, capable of supporting our intimate sensations. I discovered it by accident, through deeper friendship with the largest icon of plants Cannabis. Cannabis, as a plant friendly to our  health, has an immature social label, and we rarely can admire its linkage between enriching erotic behavior.  The phenomenon of cannabinoids from the complete extract of cannabis plants fused to noble serum coconut fat, grape seed oil, cocoa dew, and the essence of jasmine. All ingredients of organic and fair origin, the most valuable  offers of planet:  CANNALUBE. ORGAZM IS THE MAIN AWARD OF CONTEMPORARY WOMEN, INDEPENDENTLY OR IN A GOOD COMPANY . Experiencing total physical relaxation at the level of each cell and mind is a phenomenal approach, maintaining the satisfaction of the body, expressive smile and divine vital sexuality.

Terapia con cannabinoidi

Sei trattato con cannabinoidi.  Trend, come può un uomo moderno usare la cannabis e assicurare il giusto rapporto tra i suoi cannabinoidi senza l'effetto psicotico.  Cannabinoidi provengono dal semplice cannabis, uno dei più antichi erbe aromatiche del nostro pianeta, che purtroppo è stato a lungo fraintesi e forzatamente rimosso dal nostro ambiente naturale, e quindi alimentare livello di micronutrienti, quali sono usati per esempio.  alloro o saggio.  Lo stato di salute dell'uomo moderno, e un rapido invecchiamento e malattie correlate, ma alludono al malfunzionamento del sistema cannabinoide endogeno, perché dove la gente     , almeno a livello di cannabinoidi microdosaggio è     clinicamente validati ristorante omeostasi e sentirsi meglio e più efficiente funzionamento del corpo.   Già venti anni di clinica osservare come il nostro sistema endogeno, che regola l'omeostasi ombrello nel corpo.  Il nostro sistema produce endogenamente una quantità sufficiente di pr