Preskoči na glavno vsebino


Prikaz objav, dodanih na marec, 2018

in the fetish world, bad girls are queens.

CANNALUBE ALL FOR YOU WHEN YOU NEED IT cannalube ,  is the story of the most intense lubricant. kingdom of plants with cannabis, holds a scent for women, capable of supporting our intimate sensations. I discovered it by accident, through deeper friendship with the largest icon of plants Cannabis. Cannabis, as a plant friendly to our  health, has an immature social label, and we rarely can admire its linkage between enriching erotic behavior.  The phenomenon of cannabinoids from the complete extract of cannabis plants fused to noble serum coconut fat, grape seed oil, cocoa dew, and the essence of jasmine. All ingredients of organic and fair origin, the most valuable  offers of planet:  CANNALUBE. ORGAZM IS THE MAIN AWARD OF CONTEMPORARY WOMEN, INDEPENDENTLY OR IN A GOOD COMPANY . Experiencing total physical relaxation at the level of each cell and mind is a phenomenal approach, maintaining the satisfaction of the body, expressive smile and divine vital sexuality.

microdose cannabinoids designed for man

Cannabinoid program , daily micro-cannabinoid therapy designed for men When modern men notice and recognize the functioning of the endocannabinoid system, it becomes curious how it would be if they tried to make cannabinoids as an essential nutrient.  Because cannabinoids from our natural diet have been forcibly excluded for a long time, there is a lack of endocannabinoid activity with accelerated signs of aging.  Some man dont smoke.. some man not only smoke.  discrete     and reliable daily dose of cannabinoids of the ultimate quality of the whole extract of plant cannabis will help you to keep maintain a homeostasis , which manifests itself through  vitality, intense shine skin and active libido .   At the same time, daily microdosing is not psychotic, as cannabis preparations can be.  Cannabinoid program administered rectally, the royal route, because it allows optimum absorption through the mucous membrane  In the event that a spark plug of microdose  cannabinoid

mythical plant mythical sensations

It's all about it. It's in the air and its has a drive, that strong drive that makes life more sensual, kinky and naughty. It's cannabis, with whom rooting essence of our memories can be achieved. As the limitless desire and the way there, it  works wonders. We can be more sensitive, we can have sensations of a mythical creature, and with mythical plant there is a way for our unique life. Green rat morning, you know, good morning!

people should have more time spent having sex

people should have more time spent having sex and enjoy plant cannabis in a way that would lead you to orgasm... whats the point: effect the quality of your sexual esteem: quality of life** why female have ishue regarding one orgasm; lets start: there is no way for perfect vagina to look...but there is perfect vagina feeling...orgasm...trick canna lube, maybe. and mirror and time.. orgasms might improve with age *** more sexual experience more confidence its a controversial topic : german founding is controversial to encourage woman to find a greatest WAY TO ENJOY ORGASM..1 FROM THREE woman HAVE TROUBLE achieve ORGASM.. FEMMAL SEXUAL DISFUNCTION IS COMMON 43%of female at least fake.. cannabis can stop this horror... orgasm gap...partner thinks you have orgasm....complicated..use lube.. make her come... orgasms release pain..headache..oxytocin..8 to ten minutes... whole night.. thanks for reading this green rat overview... and even thinking about sex makes us feel be

ženske spolne kroglice so lahko tudi lubrikant v spreju

 Dobrodošli nazaj, zelena podganca Katja Cannabis veganska aktivistka iz podzemlja z nekaj odličnimi novicami ... Rastlina kanabis vam je na voljo tudi za promocijo čutne aktivnosti v vaši vagini. Skrbno izbrana in pripravljena aromatična  zel lahko privede do najboljših orgazmov. Orgazmi so tukaj, da nam služijo, čas je, da jih resnično doživimo!  Preprost rastlinski izdelek, ki promovira zadovoljeno žensko prihodnosti ... n jena dobra družabnica je rastlina kanabis* Užitek, ko ga želim. Užitek, ker ga potrebujem. Zakaj je ženski orgazem redko doživet?  Tudi pomanjkanje kanabinoidne aktivnosti v naši vagini je lahko eden od vzrokov. Žal ni edini, a le-ta je najenostavneje rešljiv ;) .  Naraven lubrikant v spreju, ustvarjen iz organskega kanabisa vrhunske kakovosti, je najkreativnejša rešitev doživetja vaginalne mišice* ... Uporabimo lahko tudi kroglice, ki se vstavijo, in v 15 minutah se  pripravimo na čutno doživetje, enakovredno meditaciji in popolni sprostitvi. Vsaka ženska la

we will have to say ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM several times, we will talk more about the ENDOCAnNABINOID SYSTEM better, we will know the ENDOCANnABINOID SYSTEM

For me sound system is only system that works;  hm, that has not changed yet*** now I  m reacher in awareness of most important system of my body :that which decides everything in my body .. after conception to death at the level of the cell and thought ... waw Endocannabinoid system .. how? what ... simple;  Let's not be too clumsy about the endocannabinoid system, very few people talk about it, the least mentioned in the books of future health professionals and pharmacists.  The endocannabinoid system is a phenomenal keyword for google ... there you find about it almost everything .. Well, with me dr green rat, you take a walk through the critical circulation of the plant nutritionist and the nature of a careful mammy, which is clear to me every day more loudly how cannabis belongs to a human ... because it directly addresses the endocannabinoid system. the plants are our friends each of them ... if we were completely cut off parsley in 1961, we would write today about another

večkrat bomo morali izgovoriti ENDOKANABINOIDNI SISTEM, več se bomo o ENDOKANABINOIDNEM SISTEMU pogovarjali bolje bomo ENDOKANABINOIDNI SISTEM poznali

Zdelo se mi je zelo sodobno reci ali cuti, da edini sistem ki deluje je sound system; Endogeni Kanabinoidni Sistem ECS, ki krovno regulira vse v mojem telesu..od spočetja do smrti, na nivoju celice in misli... waw Endokanabinoidni sistem..kako? kaj...simple; Naj ti nikakor nebo nerodno, o endokanabinoidnem sistemu se zelo malo ljudi pogovarja, najman je omenjen v knjigah bodočih zdravstvenih delavcev in farmacevtov. Endokanabinoidni sistem je fenomenalen keyword v googlu... Če googlaste pri meni, endokanabinoidni sistem manipulira kritični vpogled aktivista rastlinske prehrane in do narave skrbne mame, ki mi je jasno in to je vsak dan bolj glasno,kako konoplja pripada človekubrez regulacije, ker direktno nagovarja endokanabinoidni sistem. Rastline so naši prijatelji, vsaka po svoje... Če bi nam 1961 povsem odrezal peteršilj, bi danes pisali o drugi aromatični zeli*** me lahko razumeš.., sam peteršilj ni vsestranski in ni podoben nafti.. Konoplja to vse in mnogo več, z lahkoto : naza

cannabis rectal suppositories

cannabis rectal suppositories designed for intimate pleasure organic, wholeplant cannabis extract designed from careffuly selected cultivars in order to endourse our pleasure  all information : CANNABIS SUPPOSITORY 50MG 10PACK Suppositories – THC 100mg (10 pack)

cannabis candles are capable of bringing anal sex to a higher level

Anal sex and cannabis candles are the best combination for ultimate pleasure we wanna  be a civilized, advanced and relaxed  ... we accept anal sex  as a pure blessing, when accompanied by the best lubricant in the world with etherics of cannabis ***** big like  rectally we can endlessly enjoy ... one will have to be free to become curious and seek out .. not just girls*** and how it is for all the guys who have discovered the sensory abilities of their own anus and can deepen the pleasure with an anal candle or a  cannabis lubricant in a spray ... my friends from LGBTQ are so enthusiastic that I will not be bothered again by not dropping these viral news ..   Cannabis candle designed for maximum enjoyment during an anal game.  These candles release our muscles and strengthen our sensuality, which leads us to complete physical relaxation and prolonged pleasure ... during an anal game with a clean and involved mind .... here and there for you dr green rat kat

Cannabinoid therapy effectively slows down side affects of ageing

I 'm getting old, what's on my prescription? The natural pharmacy, above all over the internet, gives us insight into the gift of the cannabis plant, thus overlooked the aromatic herbs that are critically needed to better handle our body with all the consequences of ageing.  Regardless of what your views on cannabis , its pluses and minuses are primarily on the level of recreational use of aromatic herbs, we can say that all the completed clinical studies confirming the health relevance to our body are confirmed to coincide the medicinal plant cannabis as needed.  Cannabinoids within the plant cannabis, the best-known cannabidiol CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol THC, cooperate with our body in a completely natural way, because they are capable of signalling directly with our cells.  Inside our body, cannabinoid receptors naturally occur on membranes of all cells. The Earth is richer in the recognition of the endocannabinoid system , our crown signalling system within o

Kanabinoidna terapija učinkovito upočasnuje staranje

Staram se, kaj je zame na recept? Zemljani smo bogatejši za spoznanje endokanabinoidnega sistema, ki je krovni signalni sistem našega telesa. Naravna lekarna nam predvsem preko interneta ponuja vpogled v dar rastline kanabis, tako prezrte aromatični zeli, ki je nujna, da naše telo spretneje rokuje z vsemi posledicami staranja telesa. Ne glede na to, kakšni so vaši pogledi na kanabis, njegove pluse in minuse pri rekreacijski uporabi,  lahko rečemo, da so potrjene vse zaključene študije o pomembnosti souživanja aromatične zeli po potrebi. Kanabinoidi v kanabisu, najbolj poznana sta kanabidiol CBD in tetrahidrocanabinol THC, sodelujejo z našim telesom na povsem naraven način, saj so sposobni uglasiti direktno z našimi celicami. Znotraj našega telesa se na mebranah vseh celic naravno pojavijo kanabinoidni receptorji.  Kanabinoidni receptorji so v naših možganih, pljučih, jetrih, ledvicah, imunskem in reproduktivnem sistemu, so povsod: nadzirajo vso energijo in maso znotraj teles


Sie werden mit Cannabinoiden behandelt.  Trend, wie Cannabis moderne Menschen verwendet wird,  könnten, und das richtige Verhältnis von Cannabinoiden ohne psihotvornega Wirkung zu gewährleisten.  Cannabinoide kommt aus einfacher Cannabis pflanze, eines der ältesten aromatischen Kräuter unseres Planeten, die leider lange verkannt wurde und gewaltsam aus unserer natürlichen Umwelt entfernt und damit Nahrung Niveau von Mikronährstoffen, wie zum Beispiel verwendet werden.  Lorbeer oder Salbei.  Der Gesundheitszustand des modernen Menschen, und eine schnell alternden und verwandten Krankheiten, aber wir verweisen auf die Fehlfunktion des endogenen  Cannabinoidsystemes, da ,  wo die  Menschen     zumindest auf der Ebene der microdosing Cannabinoiden ist     klinisch Restaurant Homöostase validiert und eine  besseres und effizientere Funktionieren des Körpers fühlt.   In den letzten zwanzig Jahren haben wir klinisch das Funktionieren unseres endogenen Systems überwacht